
Serving During Worship


Serving the Congregation

We welcome you to serve on Sunday Mornings within the sanctuary.
To volunteer, please speak with Rev. Dawn Vukich.


Altar Guild

Under the leadership of Betty Mitchell and Lorelei Auld, the altar guild lovingly cares for the altar, vessels, linens, candles and seasonal banners that change with the liturgical seasons. Creating special worship spaces takes many hands and the Guild welcomes new members.


Crucifers and Chalice Bearers

Serving at the Altar/Communion Table offers volunteers the opportunity to actively participate in the communion process with the congregation.

Serving as an assistant to the priest, the Crucifer carries in the cross at the beginning of the service, carries the Bible to the center aisle during the reading, and aids in the preparation of communion.

During communion, the Chalice Bearer offers the Cup of Salvation (wine) after the priest has offered the Body of Christ (bread) to those taking communion.


Flower Guild 

Under the leadership of Susan Brashier, the Flower Guild beautifies our sanctuary through the collection and arrangement of flowers.
Altar flower dedications honoring a loved one or special occasion may be made by contacting



Acolytes are church members who have been trained to assist the priest in the order of the service. At Faith Episcopal Church, acolytes light the altar candles, carry the processional cross, and hold the Bible during Gospel readings.